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Two Criminology graduate students receive AP-LS award

Master of Arts in Criminology students Kiri Lutchman and Alana Saulnier were honoured at the American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS) International Congress on Psychology and Law Conference in Miami, Florida on March 3. As recipients of the AP-LS Minority Affairs Committee (MAC) Diversity Travel Award, both students attended the conference and presented their research

"Congratulations to Kiri and Alana for this outstanding achievement," said Dr. Nawal Ammar, dean, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities. "With only five of these awards available, this is a testament to the calibre of students UOIT is attracting and the quality of research they are conducting."

The conference brought together members of AP-LS, the European Association Psychology and Law, and the Australia New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law from March 2 to 5. Lutchman presented the research poster entitled Juror Consideration of Inadmissible Evidence: The Effect of Decision-Making Status on Perceptions of Justice, and Saulnier presented Fairness and Restorative Justice: Effects on High-Decision Control and Participant Collaboration.

MAC was established by the AP-LS to facilitate activities and develop opportunities within the society that embrace, respect and value diversity. The Diversity Travel Awards are intended to help students from underrepresented groups to attend the annual conference. Each year, eligible students submit applications describing their professional goals, the research they will present and the benefits that conference attendance will provide. Applications are reviewed by a panel of at least three faculty-level researchers in the field, and each year, five winners are selected. Each winner is awarded $300 toward the costs of attending the conference and they are invited to a luncheon to recognise their achievement. MAC invites senior researchers in the field to attend the luncheon and seats the student award winners among them providing the opportunity to discuss their research and meet potential mentors.

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