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UOIT strengthens ties with institutions in Ireland and Italy

UOIT signs MOU with Dublin Institute of Technology in Ireland. Below right: UOIT signs MOU with Politecnico di Torino in Italy.
UOIT signs MOU with Dublin Institute of Technology in Ireland. Below right: UOIT signs MOU with Politecnico di Torino in Italy.

The University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) recently signed two new Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) with universities in Ireland and Italy. The MOUs with the Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) in Ireland and the Politecnico di Torino in Italy are designed to promote student and research exchanges and also encourage research collaboration and faculty mobility between UOIT and both institutions.

The MOU with DIT was signed by President McTiernan and DIT President Brian Norton in Dublin, Ireland. Also in attendance at the official signing were The Honorable Loyola Hearn, Canada's Ambassador to Ireland;  Dr. Ellen Hazelkorn, Director, Research and Enterprise and Dean, Graduate Research School; and Dr. Michael Owen, Vice-President, Research, Innovation and International, UOIT.

“These agreements represent UOIT’s commitment to strengthening our international partnerships and broadening our research portfolio worldwide,” said UOIT President Tim McTiernan. “We look forward to a long, thriving partnership with DIT and welcome the valuable exchange opportunities this will provide our students and faculty members.”

The MOU with Politecnico di Torino was signed by Dr. Deborah Saucier, Acting Provost and Vice-President, Academic, UOIT; Dr. Owen; and Dr. Marco Gilli, Rector, Politecnico di Torino, on April 6 in Italy.

UOIT signs MOU with Politecnico di Torino in Italy"This MOU is a tremendous opportunity for UOIT undergraduate and graduate students to spend a semester abroad studying at Italy's leading engineering school and faculty members to develop strong partnerships with one of Europe's top research universities," stated Dr. Saucier. "We look forward to hosting the first exchange student this spring, who be studying under the supervision of Dr. Franco Gaspari, Assistant Professor, UOIT Faculty of Science."

Dr. Gaspari spent his academic leave year at the Politecnico engaged in collaborative research.