Faculty of Health Sciences appoints two new Associate Deans
June 24, 2013

The University of Ontario Institute of Technology's (UOIT) Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) proudly announces the appointment of Dr. Holly Jones Taggart as Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies and Dr. Robert Weaver as Associate Dean, Research and Partnerships. Both appointments are effective Monday, July 1.
"The Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) is building on a rich legacy of innovative teaching, leading-edge research across the continuum of healthcare, and exemplary service," said Ellen Vogel, Dean of the FHS. "The appointment of two Associate Deans signals that the FHS is increasingly a leading force for change in building and sustaining healthier individuals, families, communities and populations — at home and globally. Together, Dr. Holly Jones Taggart and Dr. Robert Weaver bring visionary leadership, knowledge and experiences, and their appointments attest to the strength of human capital within the faculty and the university at large. Please join me in congratulating Holly and Robert on their Associate Dean appointments in the FHS."
Dr. Jones Taggart will take over from Dr. John Perz, Associate Dean, who is retiring. Dr. Weaver will take over from Dr. Otto Sanchez, who is completing a three-year term as Director of Research and Partnerships.
Dr. Jones Taggart, Associate Professor, joined the FHS in 2004, and has served on many faculty and university committees, including member-at-large of Academic Council since 2009. Most recently, she served as the Director of the Bachelor of Health Science (BHSc) and Bachelor of Allied Health Science (BAHSc) programs.
Dr. Jones Taggart has extensive experience in promoting student and program success through membership on the Faculty's Academic Integrity Committee, Curriculum Review Committees and Undergraduate Student Research Award Selection Committee. She has developed and taught courses within most FHS programs and has collaborated on three Teaching Innovation Fund projects to develop novel approaches to teaching and learning for students and faculty. Dr. Jones Taggart is a dedicated faculty colleague in FHS, serving on many third-year review and tenure committees as either a faculty or university representative and has participated in several hiring committees across the university.
In her role as Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies, her primary responsibilities will include:
- Providing academic guidance and support for undergraduate student issues and concerns.
- Directing the faculty's Academic Advising team.
- Facilitating curricular planning processes in collaboration with program directors and the faculty's planning and budget officer.
- Overseeing the recruitment and ongoing mentoring of sessional instructors.
- Providing oversight regarding the BHSc and BAHSc programs, with faculty members and staff providing assistance and support.
"I look forward to working with my colleagues and students in this new leadership role within our faculty," said Dr. Jones Taggart. “My goal is to foster academic scholarship and integrity within our undergraduate programs while promoting our mission of inspiring students who are committed to health.”
Dr. Robert Weaver, Professor, joined FHS in 2007 and has served the faculty and UOIT in various ways. Dr. Weaver chaired the committee that developed the FHS master's program and now the chair of the committee charged with developing the faculty's doctoral program. Dr. Weaver served as the faculty's Graduate Program Director from 2008 to 2012. He also served on UOIT's Research Ethics Board and on many other university committees. Dr. Weaver's research focuses on the impact of social relationships on health and health care. He also explores the adoption and use of informatics tools for health care and decision support.
In his role as Associate Dean, Research and Partnerships, Dr. Weaver's primary responsibilities will include:
- Actively seeking new community-based research partners while nurturing and supporting current partners to ensure the successful implementation of the UOIT Strategic Research Plan (2013 to 2018).
- Serving as the FHS liaison to the Office of Research Services (ORS).
- Working with the ORS to develop strategic research-related opportunities in areas such as grant writing.
- Recruiting teaching assistants for undergraduate courses in collaboration with the planning and budget office.
- Directing the work of a part-time research development assistant.
"I look forward to advancing the Faculty of Health Sciences’ research capacity and profile by furthering its already strong set of research partnerships, and facilitating the development of grants to support collaborative research and graduate training," said Dr. Weaver.