FESNS wins the 2014 Graduating Class Challenge
March 21, 2014
![The Graduating Class Challenge had great student participation, with more than 25 per cent of graduating students submitting their fond UOIT memories and people of influence.](images/Thumbnail-GraduatingClassChallenge.jpg)
Congratulations to the University of Ontario Institute of Technology's (UOIT) Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science (FESNS) for having the highest percentage of graduating students who submitted their UOIT memories as part of the Graduating Class Challenge. As a result, a $2,000 scholarship will be provided to one of the faculty’s fourth-year students in the 2014-2015 academic year.
By sharing their favourite UOIT memories and supporting the Student Success Fund by purchasing exclusive Class of 2014 mugs, students were able to give back to the university and future students during the two-week challenge. Now in its third year, the Graduating Class Challenge had great student participation, with more than 25 per cent of graduating students submitting their fond UOIT memories and people of influence.
Thanks for all of your support during the challenge; the Alumni office looks forward to the achievements of the Class of 2015! For more information, please visit the Graduating Class Challenge website or Facebook page.