Campus winter weather procedures
How and when service disruptions will be communicated during winter weather
December 1, 2014

Winter weather can often cause concern and confusion among students, faculty and staff. Questions often arise about whether the campus remains open or closed during winter weather.
Winter weather can range from snow flurries to full-out blizzards. Depending on the weather, different organizations – public and private – will follow their own protocols and best practices; put simply, just because a school board cancels school buses, that does not mean our campus is closed.
The simple fact is that, during most days of each winter season, the campus remains open and activities remain unaffected. If winter weather results in situations that affect the teaching or working environment (such as power outages) or situations that place members of the university community at risk, the university will post information about the campus situation on the website as quickly as possible. The latest details about any active service disruptions can be found by checking the Emergency information link (located at the top right corner of the UOIT website home page).
Depending on the situation, the university will also:
- Issue information on social media
- Forward messages to regional radio and television stations
- Communicate via other means, as needed
At all times, regardless of weather conditions, UOIT reminds you to allow for plenty of time to get to the campus, as well as to travel with due caution and care, especially if you are in an area heavily affected by the weather. As well, if you are in an area heavily affected by the weather, contact your supervisor or professor regarding your absence.
Important links:
- Ontario Ministry of Transportation winter driving information
- Environment Canada weather forecasts for Ontario (select your town or city from the list)
- Durham Region Transit
- GO Transit