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Dr. Carolyn McGregor participates in U.S. podcast on Big Data

Dr. Carolyn McGregor, Canada Research Chair in Health Informatics, UOIT.
Dr. Carolyn McGregor, Canada Research Chair in Health Informatics, UOIT.

More medical devices collect and store patient information and other data than ever before. In turn, these devices are connected to network systems. How can health care facilities turn this growing pile of data into something of value? What can health care technology professionals do to help their facilities use that data to make sound decisions?

The U.S. Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) has created a podcast (The Big Deal About Big Data) to try and answer these questions.

Three experts — Dr. Carolyn McGregor, Canada Research Chair in Health Informatics at Ontario Tech University; Dr. Andrew Currie, Director of Clinical Engineering Services at Johns Hopkins Hospital and Howard County General Hospital; and Dr. John Chang, a Clinical Engineer at Johns Hopkins and Oracle database programmer —discuss the promise and potential pitfalls of big data in health care.