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University earns Healthy Workplace Award from Region of Durham

Jen Sullivan of the Region of Durham's Health Department (front left) presents the Region's Healthy Workplace Award to Dr. Deborah Saucier, Vice-President, Academic (front right). They were joined for the presentation by members of the university's Healthy Workplace Committee.
Jen Sullivan of the Region of Durham's Health Department (front left) presents the Region's Healthy Workplace Award to Dr. Deborah Saucier, Vice-President, Academic (front right). They were joined for the presentation by members of the university's Healthy Workplace Committee.

For the third consecutive year, the University of Ontario Institute of Technology has received a Healthy Workplace Award (Gold category) from the Regional Municipality of Durham’s Health Department.

The Healthy Workplace Award recognizes workplaces in Durham Region for their efforts to support employee health.

The Region honoured the university’s 2016 efforts with a Gold Award in four categories:

  • Healthy eating*
  • Physical activity*
  • Mental health*
  • Tobacco-free living

*The university also received Gold Awards in these categories in 2014 and 2015.

To achieve the award, a workplace must use at least two of the following four health strategies:

  • Awareness raising
  • Education and skill building
  • Environmental support
  • Healthy policies

The university’s Human Resources department created the Healthy Workplace Committee (HWC) in 2013. This team includes faculty and staff representatives from various departments, offices and faculties across the university. Since its launch, the HWC has championed a number of resources and projects in support of employee health.

2016 initiatives included:

“The University of Ontario Institute of Technology takes pride in its ongoing commitment to ensuring our campus is a healthy, safe and supportive place to work. Being recognized by the Region for the third straight year is a testament to the quality and variety of resources and programs we offer to help promote a positive and healthy work environment, as well as the physical and emotional wellness of our faculty and staff.”
-Joanne Evans, Director, Human Resources