University’s impressive research growth trajectory continues
November 6, 2017

As one of the newest research universities in Canada, the University of Ontario Institute of Technology continues to stand out for its commitment in both research and teaching.
In just over 14 years, the university has quickly established an impactful research portfolio across a broad range of academic disciplines to address current and future economic and social needs.
The latest report of Canada’s Top 50 Research Universities by business intelligence and analysis firm Research Infosource Inc., shows how research activity at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology compares favourably with its university peers across the country.
Research Infosource annually measures university research performance across a broad range of metrics including:
- Total research income.
- Corporate (non-governmental) research funding.
- Research intensity (research income divided by faculty size or number of graduate students.
- Research publication intensity.
- Research publication impact (citations by other researchers).
Measuring all factors with the same methodology in the ‘Research University of the Year’ category, the University of Ontario Institute of Technology ranks 39th in Canada, firmly among a cluster of similar-sized universities.
University of Ontario Institute of Technology by the numbers (source: Research Infosource Inc. for 2016)
- Total research income: $10.1 million (ranks No. 44 overall in the ‘Top 50 Research Universities’ category, up one place from 2015)
- Total graduate students: 723
- Total faculty: 193
About research at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Research projects at the university are built upon the guiding principles of excellence, innovation and societal impact within Canada or internationally. With a focus on building smart and sustainable communities, the university’s primary research clusters are:
- Advanced manufacturing for 21st-century innovation
- Education for the 21st century
- Energy and the environment
- Human health and community wellness
- Information and communication technology and informatics
- Life sciences and biotechnology
All research activity is supported by some of the most modern laboratories and university infrastructure in Canada, including such facilities as:
- ACE (including a five-storey Climatic Wind Tunnel)
- Advanced Networking Technology and Security (ANTS) Research Laboratory
- Alternatives in Coagulation in Health and Disease Laboratory
- Applied Exercise Science Laboratory
- Centre for the Study of Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation
- Clean Energy Research Laboratory
- Computer Architecture, Networking and Real-time Controls Lab
- Corrosion and Electrochemistry Laboratory
- Crime Scene House
- Digital Media and Culture (Decimal) Laboratory
- Educational Informatics Laboratory (EILAB)
- Energy Systems and Nuclear Science Research Centre
- Environment Radiation Laboratory
- EON Reality iCube (Cave)
- Finance Laboratory
- Gaming and Virtual Reality Laboratory
- Hacker Research Laboratory
- Health Informatics Laboratory
- Human-Centred Computing Laboratory
- Human Neurophysiology and Rehabilitation Laboratory
- Laboratory for Games and Media Entertainment Research (GAMER)
- Laboratory for Information Visualization
- Marketing Laboratory
- Molecular Based Cancer Research Laboratory
- Motor Behaviour and Physical Activity Laboratory
- Newtworking Laboratory
- Neuromechanics and Ergonomics Laboratory
- Nuclear Simulation Laboratory
- Robotics and Automation Lab
- Software Quality Research Laboratory
- Software and Informatics Research Centre
- STEAM-3D Maker Laboratory (STEAM: Science Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics)
- Truck Driving Simulator Laboratory
- XOR Laboratory (human-computer interaction, security and privacy)
“Right from our start in 2003, we have differentiated ourselves by conducting intensive research alongside excellent teaching. While many young universities initially focus on undergraduate teaching and postpone building research capacity, the storyline has been different for the University of Ontario Institute of Technology. Undergraduate students benefit from opportunities for hands-on research alongside their professors, and our School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies attracts outstanding graduate students from all over the world.”
-Douglas Holdway, PhD, Interim Vice-President, Research, Innovation and International
Related links
- Canada’s Top 50 Research Universities (2017 report for the year 2016) by Research Infosource Inc.
- University of Ontario Institute of Technology Office of Research Services