Open education webcast – March 7
March 2, 2018

The Library will host a webcast on Wednesday, March 7 in recognition of Open Education Week.
- Title: Collaborating Across Institutions to Advance Open Education
- When: Wednesday, March 7 from 2 to 3 p.m.
- Where: North Oshawa Library, Room 230
About the webcast
The open education movement has grown dramatically in recent years. Much of this growth is due to the increasing availability of innovative open educational resources, programs and initiatives spanning multiple institutions. This webcast will explore the challenges of these types of initiatives as well as their potential to affect a large number of students and make ‘open’ the default in education.
- Michelle Reed, Open Education Librarian, University of Texas at Arlington Libraries
- Mark McBride, Library Senior Strategist, State University of New York System Administration
- Amanda Coolidge, Senior Manager, Open Education, BCcampus
- Grace Atkins, Outreach and Open Education Librarian, University of Missouri Libraries
What is Open Education Week?
From open textbooks to open teaching practice, Open Education Week celebrates the growth of a movement that prioritizes access to educational resources, collaborative knowledge creation, and personalized education.
To RSVP, contact Karla Gomez, Executive Assistant to the Chief Librarian, at ext. 2214.