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Two Ontario Tech professors among the top one per cent of the world’s most-cited researchers

Distinction exemplifies Ontario Tech’s stellar energy research capacity

From left: Dr. Marc Rosen and Dr. Ibrahim Dincer, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Ontario Tech University.
From left: Dr. Marc Rosen and Dr. Ibrahim Dincer, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Ontario Tech University.

University professors share their expertise and knowledge through teaching students, but also by publishing their research findings in peer-reviewed scholarly publications in the form of journal articles and books. These research publications report empirical findings, innovative discoveries and breakthroughs, as well as new ideas and theories. The main audience for these publications are other experts around the world.

Ontario Tech University proudly shares news that two of its researchers in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science (FEAS) have earned the mark of exceptional impact for making the 2021 exclusive list of Highly Cited Researchers (HCR), ranking in the top one per cent of citations by international peers for field and year of publication in the Web of Science (see methodology):

Professors Dincer and Rosen both lead major research programs focused on clean energy systems and hydrogen technology, which reflect the world-class strength Ontario Tech has established in energy research. The HCR’s exclusive list represents 6,600 of the world’s leading scientists and social scientists who demonstrate significant global influence through multiple research publications.

What is a citation?

New knowledge in universities is built upon the prior research work of others, which is why academic papers carefully acknowledge previous scholarship in the form of citations. A citation is a formal reference to a consulted source where information was obtained to shape the content of an academic’s new research publication. Citations give credit to the original author or creator of ideas and are a vital indicator of academic credibility and influence.


“Ontario Tech University is exceptionally proud of its volume of high-quality impactful research across multiple disciplines. This international ranking of impactful researchers is representative of the incredible research activity of hundreds of Ontario Tech experts and their graduate students across all of our seven faculties. So many of our professors champion discovery and applied research that improves people’s lives around the world. The future of Ontario Tech’s expansive portfolio of research and innovation endeavours is very bright.”
-Dr. Les Jacobs, Vice-President, Research and Innovation, Ontario Tech University

“Engineering at Ontario Tech has an outstanding team of energy researchers, post-doctoral fellows, and graduate students. Professor Dincer and Professor Rosen’s research productivity and leadership provide an exemplary illustration of how teamwork can be hugely impactful internationally.”
-Dr. Hossam Kishawy, Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Ontario Tech University