Ontario Tech marks Black History Month
February 1, 2023

February is Black History Month, a time to honour and celebrate the experiences, accomplishments, culture and rich history of Black Canadians.
Black History Month also shines a spotlight on efforts to eliminate societal systemic anti-Black racism and provides opportunities to discuss how to advocate for and work toward change.
This year, Ontario Tech will celebrate Black History Month by highlighting Black Canadian culture, promoting an awareness of history, and providing an open space for conversations.
Literature collection from the Campus Libraries
Check out the Black History Month 2023 collection. This year’s theme is Black Resistance. The collection of literature compiled by the Campus Library explores how Black people have resisted ongoing oppression throughout history. Follow the Campus Libraries on Instagram to see featured resources.
Initiatives and discussion groups for students
Throughout the year, the Office of Student Life hosts a number of events and discussion groups that focus on equity and inclusion. These initiatives provide opportunities for students to share ideas, find community, learn from one another and promote a culture of empathy across the university.
Faculty of Social Science and Humanities Black History Month movie night
Join the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities (FSSH) on Thursday, February 16 for a Black History Month movie night showing of Sorry to Bother You (2018). Written and directed by Boots Riley, an East Bay hip-hop artist, anti-racist activist and community organizer, Sorry to Bother You is a critically acclaimed satire of class, race and gender in Silicon Valley and the wider entertainment industries. For more information visit the FSSH’s Black History Month movie night web page.