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UOIT Accounting students impress at national business conference

UOIT Accounting students following the Live Innovative Visions to Execution Conference in Toronto. Front: Shannon Sawitz; back row (from left): Matt Smith, Richard Morton, Connor Jelly and Jacob Sharp.
UOIT Accounting students following the Live Innovative Visions to Execution Conference in Toronto. Front: Shannon Sawitz; back row (from left): Matt Smith, Richard Morton, Connor Jelly and Jacob Sharp.

Facing stiff competition in a field of 32 entries, a team of five Accounting students from the UOIT Faculty of Business and Information Technology’s (FBIT) Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) program earned an impressive fourth-place finish at a recent national business conference in downtown Toronto.

UOIT’s impressive showing came during the seventh annual Leading Innovative Visions to Execution (LIVE) Conference, hosted by the University of Toronto Scarborough. LIVE brings together the brightest and most ambitious undergraduate business students from across Canada for an intense competition spanning all major areas of business, which challenges delegates to apply their knowledge in a real-world simulated business environment.

The LIVE Conference centres around the idea that competition fuels innovation, passion drives intensity, and that learning should be integrative. Faced with the challenge of making tomorrow’s executive decisions today, this conference presented UOIT students with a fantastic hands-on learning opportunity to explore their potential as future business leaders. 

Teams competed with written case submissions, presentations, live negotiations and trading rounds. Members of the UOIT team say the curriculum and training they have received through FBIT’s BCom program gave them the fundamental and technical skills they required to compete in this competition against many top business schools.

“We are proud of our students for their success and participation in the LIVE Conference,” said Dr. Pamela Ritchie, Dean, FBIT. “Competitions provide students with a unique platform to really showcase their skills, put into practice the theories learned in class and widen their network of personal and professional contacts.”

Fourth-place team members included third-year BCom (Accounting) students:

  • Connor Jelly;
  • Richard Morton;
  • Shannon Sawitz;
  • Matt Smith; and
  • Jacob Sharp.

Two other teams from UOIT also participated in this competition.