International engineering society launches new student chapter at UOIT
August 15, 2013

Engineering students at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) have an exciting new hands-on learning experience to explore as they move through their university careers and beyond. The Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science (FEAS) has established a UOIT student chapter of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE).
“The Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers promotes advances in tribology –the science and technology of friction, wear and lubrication,” said Dr. George Staniewski, Senior Technical Expert, Engineering Support Division, Ontario Power Generation (OPG), and STLE member. “Our organization supports the increased performance of equipment and products, the conservation of resources and the protection of the environment.”
FEAS students are encouraged to join the STLE student chapter at UOIT by visiting the STLE website.
“This is an exciting opportunity for the engineering students to enrich their learning experience at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, “ said Dr. Atef Mohany, Assistant Professor, FEAS. “I am honoured to be the co-founder and the first faculty advisor of the STLE student chapter at UOIT. We will hold different events and activities for the students throughout the year, in collaboration with our industrial partners, to promote the science and technology of tribology. Exposing the students to industrial settings will help them gaining practical experience and acquiring contacts within various industries, thus preparing them for their professional careers.”
“We welcome the STLE student chapter in the Department of Automotive, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Engineering, which strives to support the different activities that enhance our students’ learning experience,” said Dr. Dan Zhang, Department Chair. “This is a valuable addition to our existing student chapters such as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), which actively organizes exiting events for our students.”
To date, the STLE has supported various FEAS student ventures, including a Capstone student project leading to the development of a human-powered vehicle (HPV). UOIT is one of just two Canadian university teams participating in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers HPV World Challenge. The goal of the HPV project is to reduce carbon footprint and promote a healthy lifestyle.