UOIT Engineering students take top honours at national congress
June 6, 2014

A team of fourth-year Engineering students from the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) captured first place in Student Design Poster Competition at the 2014 Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) Awards hosted by the University of Toronto.
The UOIT Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science (FEAS) salutes Amer Almootassem, David Botros, Hasan Khaliq, Avinash Kumar and Maaz Tanveer for their outstanding achievement in a field of 18 teams representing 10 universities across Canada. Their project was entitled Design and Development of Power and Communication Systems for an Amphibious Robot. Eligible papers were evaluated for content and substance, including: degree of importance, relevance, degree of innovation and soundness of methodology.
Other highlights for UOIT at the CSME International Congress:
- Dr. Remon Pop-Iliev, Professor, FEAS was made a Fellow of the CSME.
- UOIT graduate Sasha Ginzburg (Bachelor of Engineering and Master of Applied Science) and Dr. Scott Nokleby, Professor, FEAS, won the Best Paper Award in the Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering for their paper: Indoor Localization of an Omni-Directional Wheeled Mobile Robot.
- UOIT graduate student Sergio Mordo (Master of applied Science in Automotive Engineering, supervised by Dr. Ahmad Barari, Assistant Professor, FEAS) received the Student Paper Award, for Modelling the Effect of Diamond-like Carbon Coating on Surface Friction. His paper presents results of a research project funded by the Technical Problem Solving program of Ontario Centres of Excellence and Intellectual Alliance Inc. to work on the properties of Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) Coating.
CSME International Congress promotes the communication and transfer of technology among industry, government agencies, universities and research and development (R&D) laboratories. The CSME Congress offers a platform for national and international Mechanical Engineering experts to meet, exchange information, discuss recent research challenges, and explore problems of practical importance to the profession and its related field.