UOIT researchers receive nearly $2 million in new federal funding
New NSERC grants support innovation and scientific discovery
June 23, 2016

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) announced today new funding for 16 researchers and four graduate students at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT).
The national NSERC announcement was made at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario by the Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science.
NSERC’s Discovery Grants program will provide $1,961,310 to the following university researchers and students:
Faculty of Business and Information Technology
- Dr. Patrick Hung: Child privacy protection engine for smart anthropomorphic toys
Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science
- Dr. Hossam Gaber: Planning, control, and optimization of resilient smart energy grids and interconnected micro energy grids
- Dr. Igor Pioro: Advanced fundamental studies on supercritical fluids
- Dr. Ed Waller: Radiation environment characterization for emergency preparedness and response
- *Dr. Dan Hoornweg: Prioritizing infrastructure investments for sustainability in the world's large urban areas
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
- Dr. Ibrahim Dincer: Integrated solar energy systems with novel heat storage options
- Dr. Atef Mohany: Flow-sound interaction mechanisms and control strategies
- Dr. Scott Nokleby: Tethered aerial manipulator systems
- *Dr. Remon Pop-Iliev: Fundamental research on applying physical blowing agents in low-pressure processing of cellular polymeric composites
- *Dr. Marc Rosen: Integration of trigeneration and district energy: modelling, optimization and applications to buildings and communities
- Dr. Tarlochan Sidhu: Power system protection, automation and monitoring
- Dr. Vijay Sood: Grid integration of renewable energy
- **Dr. Sheldon Williamson: State-of-the-art test equipment for a smart transportation electrification and energy research (STEER) laboratory
Faculty of Health Sciences
- Dr. Bernadette Murphy: Effects of altered input from the neck on upper limb sensorimotor integration
Faculty of Science
- Dr. Julia Green-Johnson: Interactions of probiotics and gut microbes with the immune system: examining roles of food components, microbial metabolites and neurochemical mediators
- Dr. Olena Zenkina: Molecular self-assemblies aiming at a priori design of functional materials for molecular and biological recognition: co-ordination based ion sensors and ‘smart materials’
*NSERC Discovery Development Grant (two years)
**NSERC Research Tools and Instruments Grant (one year)
New NSERC Postgraduate Doctoral Scholarship recipients:
- Dr. Davis Forman, Faculty of Science (Neurophysiology)
- Dr. Mahboobeh Zabihhosseinian, Faculty of Science (Applied Bioscience)
Continuing Postgraduate Doctoral Scholarship recipient:
- Timothy Teatro, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
The university is also receiving two Canada Graduate Scholarships for high-calibre students enrolled in master’s degree programs:
- Kyle Mills, Faculty of Science
- Andrew Varley, Faculty of Science
The NSERC Discovery Grants Program funds discovery in a variety of disciplines, including in chemistry, physics, life sciences, mathematics, computer science, earth sciences, and many branches of engineering. The broad base of research capacity built by these awards has given Canada a strong reputation for research excellence.
“NSERC’s funding announcement underscores the depth of the University of Ontario Institute of Technology’s expanding research portfolio. As a university focused on fundamental and applied research addressing social, environmental, health and economic challenges, NSERC’s support will drive new discoveries, promote our culture of innovation and train the next generation of scientific leaders.
- Michael Owen, PhD, UOIT Vice-President, Research, Innovation and International
"Today’s investment will allow many of Canada’s scientists and engineers to explore the frontiers of knowledge where they can make exciting new discoveries. Our government is committed to investing in these future research leaders and in the cutting-edge ideas that will lead Canada to social and economic growth for a better tomorrow."
- The Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science
"Discoveries build the necessary foundation for an innovative, prosperous and sustainable society. A diversified and high-quality research base requires us to provide equality of opportunity across gender and culture. Bringing together multiple points of view strengthens our science, technology and innovation ecosystem and extends its many benefits more equally."
- Dr. B. Mario Pinto, President, NSERC
Related links:
- University’s research website
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) website
The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) is the primary funding agency supporting Canada’s science and engineering research community. The agency supports almost 30,000 postsecondary students and postdoctoral fellows in their advanced studies. NSERC promotes discovery by funding approximately 12,000 professors every year and works with over 3,000 Canadian companies that are participating and investing in postsecondary research projects.
About the University of Ontario Institute of Technology
As one of Canada’s newest research universities, the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) advances the discovery and application of knowledge through a technology-enriched learning environment and the delivery of innovative market-driven programs responsive to the needs of students and industry. With more than 10,000 undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in 76 programs, UOIT promotes social engagement, fosters critical thinking and integrates outcomes-based learning experiences inside and outside the classroom. UOIT's commitment to accelerating economic growth and social innovation is realized through faculty research collaborations with leading organizations such as Ontario Power Generation, IBM, The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) and the Durham Regional Police Service. To find out more, please visit uoit.ca or follow UOIT on Twitter.
Media contact
Bryan Oliver
Communications and Marketing
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
905.721.8668 ext.6709
289.928.3653 (cell)