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Flags lowered to honour Quebec City mosque victims

Students walking on campus

Our university community is shocked and dismayed at the violence committed in the Quebec City mosque this weekend.

Ours is a welcoming country and community that embraces diversity, inclusivity, and equity in all that we do. We strive to bring our best selves to campus and abroad. When an act of terrorism kills and injures innocent, peaceful worshippers, we recoil in grief and feel a loss of safety, and of civility.

At this time of sorrow, we will honour those killed in Sainte-Foy by lowering our campus flags on Tuesday, January 31.

As we lower our flags, we also vow to raise our voices in proclaiming our university’s values. We resolve to celebrate diversity. We resolve to foster a campus that is free from fear and intimidation. And we resolve to do even more to support everyone within this university with unconditional compassion and with open minds.

With that in in mind, if you, or someone you know within our community, need assistance or support please remember the confidential counselling services available for students and for staff and faculty.