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University celebrates opening of English Language Centre

Centre will help international students improve their English skills

Judith Herringer, PhD, Manager of the university's English Language Centre, speaks at the official opening ceremony (January 11, 2017).
Judith Herringer, PhD, Manager of the university's English Language Centre, speaks at the official opening ceremony (January 11, 2017).

Thousands of international students come to Canada every year to pursue their post-secondary educational dreams. But many need to enhance their English language skills to make this dream a reality.

The University of Ontario Institute of Technology is home to nearly 700 international undergraduate and graduate students. As part of its commitment to supporting students from outside Canada, the university has launched its new English Language Centre (ELC). In collaboration with university faculty, the ELC has developed curriculum for the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program. EAP supports international students wishing to study at UOIT and other post-secondary institutions, including Durham College.

Each level of the EAP program places students in relevant language learning contexts and real-life situations to develop the language skills they will need to succeed. The ELC also plans to host cohorts of international students for summer programs, including long- or short-term English for Specific Purposes courses for corporate clients.

Quick fact

  • In the 2015-2016 academic year, 691 international students were enrolled at the university (536 undergraduate; 155 graduate).


“The English Language Centre has worked hard to create, and now deliver, an English for Academic Purposes program that will be academically rigorous and financially sustainable. Ongoing collaboration with university deans and faculty will ensure the ELC prepares our students for success at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, and wherever their studies and careers take them.”
-Robert Bailey, PhD, Associate Provost