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TeachingCity project looks to improve water quality in Oshawa’s stormwater ponds

University of Ontario Institute of Technology master’s student Alex Johnston conducts field research in an Oshawa stormwater management pond.
University of Ontario Institute of Technology master’s student Alex Johnston conducts field research in an Oshawa stormwater management pond.

The University of Ontario Institute of Technology has joined TeachingCity partner the City of Oshawa to conduct a Stormwater Pond Water Quality Research Study.

The collaboration looks to understand the biological function of Oshawa’s stormwater management ponds and to investigate how aquatic plants found in these ponds influence water quality and environmental sustainability.

The research study and project will provide insights into best practices for engineering design and ongoing maintenance of the ponds to promote environmental sustainability and to improve the quality, cleansing capability and resilience of stormwater infrastructure in the city.

The two-year research project is led by Andrea Kirkwood, PhD, Associate Professor (Biology) in the University of Ontario Institute of Technology's Faculty of Science. Dr. Kirkwood is joined by her master's student Alex Johnston, a recent Biology graduate from the university, and Denin Gray, a Biology undergraduate student from Trent University.

This TeachingCity research project offers an exceptional opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students from the University of Ontario Institute of Technology and Trent University to learn about the importance of stormwater management in urbanizing regions. Not only will students be trained in a range of field, laboratory and analytical skills, but the City will gain important evidence-based information to guide stormwater policies.

TeachingCity brings together the City of Oshawa and its education and research partners: University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canadian Urban Institute, Durham College, Trent University Durham Greater Toronto Area, and the University of Toronto's Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. The partners focus on and address urban issues facing Oshawa through innovation, collaboration, applied research and shared experiential learning opportunities.

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