Why ACE is ‘the’ place for a summer university internship
August 10, 2018

One of the best ways to confirm the program you’re taking in university is right for you is through a summer internship job.
Six students at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology took advantage of a stellar opportunity this summer to work alongside skilled engineers and staff in the ACE Climatic Wind Tunnel. Five Engineering students and one in Communication explored one of the most unique research and testing facilities in the world.
Organized by the university’s Office of the Registrar and the Office of Student Awards and Financial Aid, the ACE internship delivered outstanding experiential opportunities to the students, from learning how to drive a forklift to operating the awesome power of the massive Climatic Wind Tunnel.
Each student shadowed an ACE employee who mentored and taught them what real-life, hands-on work experience is all about and helped prepare them for their future engineering careers. Interns assisted with operations in ACE’s other climate chambers, created and designed custom prototypes for clients, and hosted ACE tours.
“These amazing and highly driven students have been a great addition to our team: they always want to learn new things and be a part of our projects,” says Warren Karlson, one of ACE’s Senior Engineers. “The internship allowed each intern to experience a new side of their program as they prepare for their future career, education and growth.”
Intern testimonials
“This facility is definitely one of a kind. I think it’s important to stay connected to our school community and also educate them on ACE and the exciting things we do here. This internship has given me the opportunity to do that. I could easily see myself doing this as a career in the future.”
-Daniella Petralito, third-year Communications and Digital Media Studies (who works on ACE’s social media communications)
“ACE is one of the most unique facilities in the world. Not just anyone can say they work somewhere that can transition from a snowstorm to a heatwave in a matter of minutes. It’s been such a great experience learning how everything works here.”
-Brooke Godding, third-year Mechanical Engineering student
“Working at ACE has given me the chance to learn more about automotive testing, working with clients and overall, getting the hands-on experience you don’t often get in lecture-based classes.”
-Daniel Kamal, third-year Automotive Engineering student
Summer 2018 ACE interns
- Remington Bainbridge
- Catherine Bandura
- Brooke Godding
- Daniel Kamal
- Daniella Petralito
- Jordan Zenhenko
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