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Ontario Tech University thanks its volunteers

Every day, volunteers lead activities, lift community pride and create lifelong bonds

Judith Reavell, retired elementary teacher and volunteer with Let’s Talk Science, shares her passion for discovery with youngsters at Science Rendezvous, a free community event hosted on campus each May.
Judith Reavell, retired elementary teacher and volunteer with Let’s Talk Science, shares her passion for discovery with youngsters at Science Rendezvous, a free community event hosted on campus each May.

During National Volunteer Week (Sunday, April 7 to Saturday, April 13), Ontario Tech University celebrates and thanks its many volunteers, students, faculty, staff, board members and community members for for giving their time, skills, experience and passion to help others. These volunteers lift up our community and build confidence and connections within the university. Whether they lead initiatives or help with on-campus events and varsity sports, volunteers contribute to the student experience and create a welcoming environment for all.


“Thank you to our volunteers for your dedication and support. Your commitment to Ontario Tech University propels our entire community to ensure we continue to provide a learning environment that empowers the next generation of leaders and innovators.”
- Susan McGovern, Vice-President, External Relations and Advancement, Ontario Tech University