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Government of Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan scores highly with Ontario Tech University

Recently passed Bill C-13 provides support for Canadians, including students during a critical time

Ontario Tech University is innovating rapid PPE production solutions to address critical needs in the health-care industry related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ontario Tech University is innovating rapid PPE production solutions to address critical needs in the health-care industry related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Government of Canada’s announced COVID-19 Economic Response Plan includes strategic investments to support students as well as targeted COVID-19-related research. Ontario Tech University recognizes these important investments and the quick passage of Bill C-13, the COVID-19 Emergency Response Act, as key actions to aid Canadians.

This six-month interest-free moratorium on the repayment of Canada Student Loans, for all borrowers currently in repayment, will provide much-needed relief to all Canadian students during this time of uncertainty. It is especially important to Ontario Tech as a high proportion of our students rely on financial support. Additionally, the leadership taken to support businesses, as well as the most vulnerable in our society, will have Canada best positioned to weather the economic turmoil.

As an institution with a Nursing Program, Ontario Tech takes great pride in our role training nurses that form the front line of our health-care system. Our institution also trains the Medical Laboratory Technologists who are essential in the testing for COVID-19 across the country.

The Government of Canada’s efforts to co-ordinate the procurement of critical Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for those at the forefront of treating COVID-19 patients is critical to ensuring their health and well-being. Ontario Tech congratulates the Government of Canada in this regard. Ontario Tech is actively contributing to the fight against COVID-19 by working with all levels of governments and local partners to uncover innovative solutions and research.

For example, using 3D technology, the university, in collaboration with industry partners, has manufactured face shields for local frontline health-care workers. Specifically, face shield samples are currently being evaluated at Lakeridge Health and Northumberland Hills hospitals, with more on the way to Ontario Shores, Durham Mental Health Services, Cobourg Police Service, along with Durham Regional Police Service. Working with its partners at Ontario Power Generation, the university will finalize the mask design and secure Health Canada approval for the university’s ACE Wind Tunnel to be an assembly and distribution facility for these critical medical supplies. In the near future, working with community partners, the university expects to produce and distribute large amounts of this essential equipment to multiple hospitals and agencies across Durham Region, Northumberland County and beyond. 


“Our federal government’s leadership during this time of crisis has been critical in pulling together governments of all levels, industry and academia to pool resources and drive innovation. This investment, coupled with support for Canadian post-secondary students, is a solid step in the right direction as we all work to fight COVID-19.”
-Dr. Steven Murphy, President and Vice-Chancellor, Ontario Tech University

“Our government is committed to protecting the health and safety of Canadians. We are all in this together, and need to do our part to prevent the spread of the virus. Thank you to Ontario Tech University for devoting your expertise and capacity to the fight against COVID-19.”
-The Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry