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Ontario Tech University introduces Student Experience Guarantee for Fall 2020

Delayed withdrawal deadline demonstrates university’s commitment to a safe, healthy and engaged student experience

Student learning online

Ontario Tech University recognizes its students have big questions about what their university experience will look like when they begin their studies or return in Fall 2020.

That’s why Ontario Tech is offering all students an Experience Guarantee. Any full- or part-time student enrolled in the Fall 2020 term not satisfied with the quality of their university experience can withdraw from their program by Friday, October 9, and receive a full refund, without penalty.

Students can feel confident about enrolling in the fall, knowing that Ontario Tech’s No. 1 priority is to maintain a safe, healthy and engaging experience for all on campus.

The university is committed to helping students reach their goals by ensuring academic programming for the upcoming fall and winter semesters provides continuity, and students receive the highest-quality university experience possible.

Ontario Tech’s blended-learning advantage

Ontario Tech’s plans for the fall focus on a blended-learning approach that combines the delivery of most of its academic programming through online channels, together with active hands-on learning on campus where possible, in accordance with Government of Ontario and public-health guidelines. Thanks to its long-standing commitment to embedding technology throughout its market-driven programs, campus environment and research, the university is uniquely positioned to adapt to technological changes that will ensure students get the most out of their university experience.

What to expect at Ontario Tech for Fall 2020 and beyond

While the university anticipates providing the majority of its academic programming through online channels for the fall and winter semesters, students will continue to have everything they need for a well-rounded university experience:

  • Online channels will deliver both real-time and recorded lectures, as well as course material and a wide range of academic content. This will enhance the educational experience while maximizing flexibility so students can balance their personal schedules, jobs and family demands with learning.
  • In-person learning experiences, focusing on areas that are more challenging to transition online, such as labs, simulations, practicums, and research activities, will prepare students for success in the real world once they graduate.
  • Modern, digital platforms, program-specific software and applications, more intuitive digital student experiences, and enhancements to the Ontario Tech mobile app to support the overall student experience.
  • Opportunities to get involved and make lasting connections online and in-person (as allowed) through peer-leader programming, health and wellness activities, clubs and societies.
  • Continued availability of supports to ensure student success, including financial aid, accessibility services, mental and physical health services, career planning, counselling, and tutoring, offered online with extended hours, providing even more personalized access.

Fall/Winter course information available

Faculties and course instructors have completed the first part of their planning. Students can now access course schedules and information about the delivery method for their Fall 2020 and Winter 2021 courses to get a better idea of what the upcoming academic year will look like. Course registration opens in late June.

Visit the Fall 2020 semester frequently asked questions page for more information on:

  • admissions
  • courses
  • international students
  • residence and food services
  • Student Experience Guarantee
  • Student Life services and events 

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“Blended learning has long been a part of what we do at Ontario Tech University. When we opened our doors in 2003, we did so with a commitment to a technology-enabled learning environment, while recognizing the valuable role hands-on learning plays in preparing our graduates for the workplace. With the introduction of the new Experience Guarantee, students can be certain Ontario Tech stands behind its commitment to support them throughout their academic journey.”
- Lori Livingston, PhD, Provost and Vice-President, Academic, Ontario Tech University