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From a distance, Ontario Tech celebrates student leadership

Vic Beaumont, Bachelor of Education, class of 2020, recipient of Ontario Tech University's President’s Award of Excellence in Student Leadership.
Vic Beaumont, Bachelor of Education, class of 2020, recipient of Ontario Tech University's President’s Award of Excellence in Student Leadership.

Ontario Tech University is proud of its many student leaders who not only excel academically, but also contribute their time, skills, experience and passion to improve the university experience for their peers as well as the broader campus community.

Each year, the university hosts a Student Leadership Awards of Recognition ceremony to honour students who demonstrate exemplary leadership practices that align with the university's values. While it was not possible to hold an in-person ceremony for the 2019-2020 awards due to COVID-19-related restrictions, the university recently took to social media to announce the winners of the President’s Award of Excellence in Student Leadership and the Student Leadership Awards, and share best wishes from the award recipients’ nominators. 

Award recipients:

President’s Award of Excellence in Student Leadership

  • Vic Beaumont, Bachelor of Education, class of 2020

    In lieu of an acceptance speech, Vic submitted a Digital Community article to accept his award and explain what it means to him.

Student Leadership Awards

The university presented category awards in:

  • Accountability (Ethics): Chimmy (Chimkanma) Ndu, Communication and Digital Media Studies, class of 2020
  • Community Building: Isabelle Simard, Forensic Psychology, class of 2021
  • Innovation:
    • Mikaela Bajus, Educational Studies and Digital Technology, class of 2020
    • Dorina Voynov, Mechanical Engineering, class of 2022
  • Respect: Randi-Lynn Ballingal, Legal Studies, class of 2020


“It was a pleasure to review the Student Leadership Award nominations and read about the many ways in which Ontario Tech University students serve their communities and inspire those around them. We are thrilled to honour the winners of the Student Leadership Awards, and excited to see where the future takes them.”
- Sarah Rasile, Director, Student Success, Ontario Tech University
