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Faculty of Health Sciences’ Dr. Sue Coffey receives provincial Award of Excellence

Dr. Coffey recognized for visionary leadership during the pandemic


The global pandemic of the past two years has presented enormous operational challenges across all sectors, from education to health care and beyond. The university sector was among many groups needing to make rapid adjustments to meet all governmental health and safety requirements, including transitioning to a virtual learning environment.

Ontario Tech University’s commitment to a technology-enhanced learning environment helped it meet the challenges brought about by the pandemic and respond in a seamless manner.

Among those leading the way was Faculty of Health Sciences Nursing researcher and educator Dr. Sue Coffey, whose tireless efforts and exceptional leadership during the pandemic was recognized in January with an Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities Minister’s Award of Excellence.

The Ontario government awards signed by the Honourable Jill Dunlop recognize the great things happening on campuses and in the communities universities serve.

Dr. Coffey’s award comes in the category of Future-Proofing Students. When clinical placements became impossible due to COVID-19, she stepped forward with a plan to achieve the ministry’s goal of graduating final-year nursing students.

Selected from among hundreds of nominations, the Minister’s Awards of Excellence celebrate everyday heroes and the incredible work of faculty, staff and graduate students on campuses, in the community and beyond, across Ontario.


“I am honoured to receive this prestigious award from the Province of Ontario and at the same time wish to rightfully share it with all of the faculty of the Nursing Program at Ontario Tech University. We are exceptionally proud of our Nursing Program and our graduates, each of whom contributes so positively to health care across the province.”
-Dr. Sue Coffey, Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ontario Tech University