Moments and milestones: Ontario Tech University in 2019
December 17, 2019

As Ontario Tech readies itself for the promise of new opportunities in the discovery and application of knowledge at the dawn of a new decade, the university reflects on the past transformative year. Here’s a sampling of 2019 highlights:
Unveiling of a new university brand
- On March 27, the distinct new Ontario Tech University brand was introduced to help the university transform its visual identity and market positioning.
- As part of Orientation activities in September, the Athletics department unleashed Hunter v2.0, the updated version the university’s mascot Hunter the Ridgeback.
National recognition, leadership and new growth
- The 2020 Maclean’s magazine rankings affirmed Ontario Tech’s place in the top 10 of Canada’s primarily undergraduate universities, including a top five ranking for overall reputation, and No. 1 rankings in two categories.
- Noreen Taylor re-appointed university Chancellor.
- Lori Livingston appointed Provost and Vice-President, Academic.
- Les Jacobs appointed Vice-President, Research and Innovation.
- President Dr. Steven Murphy appointed to National Research Council Canada to help guide the organization’s strategic direction.
- Construction commenced on the university’s newest building, just east of the Campus Library and adjacent to the Energy Systems and Nuclear Science Research Centre.
Community connections
- Ontario Tech received an ‘Age-Friendly’ designation as a great learning environment for older adults, highlighting its commitment to diversity and the provision of lifelong educational opportunities.
- The university received ‘Bee City Campus’ designation for its pollinator protection and bee repopulation efforts.
- The university’s 61 Charles Street Building was a makeshift studio for the October 16 Ontario-wide Global News broadcast focusing on the City of Oshawa.
Equity, diversity and inclusion
- Two federal government ministers visited Ontario Tech University to unveil details of Canada’s Athena SWAN Charter to help increase diversity and inclusion at academic institutions.
- The university signed the Dimensions Charter, reinforcing its commitment to institutional equity, diversity and inclusion.
- The university’s annual Women for STEM summit outlined new scholarships and mentorship opportunities critical for gender parity in ‘STEM’ disciplines.
- The university’s recognition of the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia affirmed commitment to supporting human rights and a campus culture where everyone feels accepted.
Student success
- Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science students won recognition at a Harvard University competition for their invention of a therapeutic arm brace that speeds recovery for injured workers and astronauts returning from space.
- Technology for ethical purposes: Mechanical Engineering student Yasin Othman shared details of ‘The Water Project’, a student-driven effort by his non-profit organization to find sustainable clean water solutions in east Africa.
Ethical application of technology
- The university’s 2019 Futures Forum explored the complex intersection of human experience and tech innovation.
- Ontario Tech again achieved a Gold Rating in the 2019 Sustainable Campus Index from the U.S.-based Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education for energy efficiency and on-campus wellness programs.
- The Faculty of Business and Information Technology staged AI and the Everyday Life, an event showcasing the university’s leadership at the forefront of artificial intelligence research.
- The Vector Institute added Ontario Tech’s Master of Information Technology Security - Artificial Intelligence in Security specialization to its list of recognized master’s programs.
Thriving research and development
- The 2019 national competitiveness report by Research Infosource Inc. confirmed Ontario Tech is No. 1 in cross-sector research among Canadian undergraduate universities, and showcased Ontario Tech’s leadership in research partnerships and research intensity.
- More than 30 Ontario Tech researchers shared $1.82 million in federal funding for emerging technologies research projects for ethical purposes.
- Researchers Dr. Denina Simmons (Faculty of Science) and Dr. Adam Dubrowski (Faculty of Health Sciences) appointed university’s newest Canada Research Chairs.
- Faculty of Science researcher Andrea Kirkwood linked her expertise via social media to an international study of the world’s streams.
- Research led by Faculty of Social Science and Humanities professor Barbara Perry received federal funding to strengthen understanding of right-wing extremism in Canada.
- Faculty of Health Sciences researcher JoAnne Arcand received provincial funding for dietary sodium research.
- ACE played host to a Future of Transportation and Mobility Series event to showcase how its autonomous vehicle research will profoundly change human mobility in the coming years.
- The university’s Forensic Science program earned a full renewal of its prestigious international accreditation from the American Academy of Forensic Sciences’ Forensic Education Programs Accreditation Commission.
Learning re-imagined
- Ontario Tech University affirmed its commitment to empowering student learning experiences through open educational resources.
- Ontario Tech and OCAD University unveiled details of a new partnership focused on the Digital and Human Connection to develop dynamic new ways of learning, curriculum, programs and research capacities.
- Ontario Tech became the first Canadian university to host the International Federation of Automatic Control Intelligent Manufacturing Systems workshop, an influential international engineering forum exploring key questions related to intelligent manufacturing.
Creating a ‘sticky’ campus
- The 2019-2020 academic year coincided with the launch of The Hive, adjacent to the Campus Library. The Hive is a prototype to reimagine the university’s food and beverage offerings in a refreshed setting.
Building academic partnerships
- ACE’s connections to Ontario Autonomous Vehicle Innovation Network continued to strengthen through collaboration with industry partnerships and specialized research.
- ACE and Ontario Tech joined leading U.S. research universities at AutoMobili-D during the media and industry days at the North American International Auto show in Detroit.
- The university strengthened ties with Australia’s University of Technology Sydney, establishing a Joint Research Centre in Artificial Intelligence for Health and Wellness.
- A new research partnership with Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences will uncover innovative solutions for dementia care, offering new horizons for patients and their caregivers.
- The university will open new post-secondary doors for prospective students through partnerships with Columbia International College and Trafalgar Castle School.
Ridgebacks milestones
- Varsity Ridgebacks women’s and men’s basketball launches on campus with inaugural games November 3 against Queen’s.
- Three Ridgebacks hockey players reached the podium as Canadian medalists at the 2019 Winter Universiade Games in Russia.