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Moments and milestones: Ontario Tech University in 2019

Ontario Tech University mascot Hunter the Ridgeback at the inaugural Ridgebacks varsity basketball games vs Queen's at the Campus Recreation and Wellness Centre (November 3, 2019).
Ontario Tech University mascot Hunter the Ridgeback at the inaugural Ridgebacks varsity basketball games vs Queen's at the Campus Recreation and Wellness Centre (November 3, 2019).

As Ontario Tech readies itself for the promise of new opportunities in the discovery and application of knowledge at the dawn of a new decade, the university reflects on the past transformative year. Here’s a sampling of 2019 highlights:

Unveiling of a new university brand

National recognition, leadership and new growth

Community connections

Equity, diversity and inclusion

Student success

Ethical application of technology

Thriving research and development

Learning re-imagined

Creating a ‘sticky’ campus

  • The 2019-2020 academic year coincided with the launch of The Hive, adjacent to the Campus Library. The Hive is a prototype to reimagine the university’s food and beverage offerings in a refreshed setting.

Building academic partnerships

Ridgebacks milestones